May 3, 2012
In the early 1900s, a disaster for thousands of unsuspecting voyagers to America and the trans-Atlantic travel industry in general; roughly one hundred years later, a disaster for millions of Chicago Bulls fans and (by the looks of Tuesday’s chumping at the hands of the Philadelphia 76ers) the team’s 2012 playoff hopes in general … through the magic of YouTube mashing-up do the Titanic and the Derrick Rose-less Bulls meet!
As ‘Tuber TheSuperAngelBlue explains, “Le basketteur Derrick Rose, des Chicago Bulls s’est payé un sacré gadin la semaine dernière. L’occasion pour les internautes d’enfoncer un peu le clou avec ce mashup Titanic hilarant.
Can Jack Dawson save Derrick Rose Dewitt Bukater? Will their hearts go on? And once more: How brilliant is YouTube, anyway?
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This post was published on May 3, 2012
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