We got sent this by Eugene Panfilov. He and his buddies decided to recreate a scene from a not so good movie shot for shot, in the literal sense given it’s a basketball sequence. For those of you who may not be aware, Escape from LA is the painfully inferior sequel to Escape from New York. Serious point here, Escape from New York is an absolute classic. Escape from LA is bad but watchable entirely because rarely has an actor understood a character the way Kurt Russell understands Snake Plissken. Seriously, this film is dreadful but I will happily re-watch because Snake is the coolest badass going.
Before we get to the video, I want you to remember to play close attention to the end of the sequence.
Considering Eugene has zero crazed dudes with guns and bad Che Guevara impersonator but still gets the movement (Snake is cool but his handle is so heavy) down perfectly. Watch that clock and the final shot again. We see it with 2 seconds to go, Snake totally takes more than that to get the shot off. There are no replay officials but there is no way that shot by Plissken should count and, let’s be clear, it’s not like he’s playing on familiar territory. These guys want him to die in an amusingly violent way, they aren’t giving him the benefit of the doubt on the clock.
Still, solid job by Eugene because two of those shots are damned hard.
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