No not me, I’m not going anywhere, but if you want to work in basketball you should really consider another role that has just opened up
Over the past couple of years, you may have noticed a bit more of a buzz around Irish basketball. Naturally, this corner has played its part, along with a thriving volunteer base but one man whose life was making more people care about Irish hoops is stepping away. Well more accurately he’s got a new job and all the best to Ross O’Donoghue in it. Seriously, Ross is great and that’s exactly why I’m writing this post.
Over that time Ross has worked wonders in progressing the profile of Irish basketball, both domestically and across the continent, and now you’ve got the chance to be the next Ross aka Media and Communications Manager for Basketball Ireland.
The full brief is linked below but here’s what I reckon you need to know as the journalist who probably has the most direct interaction with whoever gets the job. You are going to have a whole lot going for you, the role of media and comms manager puts you at the coalface day to day of an organisation with a fairly small staff but a massive operation. That brings with it the chance to make a huge difference, particularly at a time when Ireland has just brought back its national programs at senior level and is making significant progress in underage international competitions. That’s a whole lot of experience at the international level where a whole lot is going to be expected of whoever gets this job because Ross really set a high bar. Fortunately you will be inheriting a pretty impressive volunteer base, all of whom naturally have their own gripes (most of which justified) but will generally go to war for you if you put the effort in.
Similarly it’s a point where the national leagues are growing, giving it more opportunity to gain interest at a national and local level. Clubs have bought into making strong use of social media and smart coordination on this front, again you are inheriting a solid base to build from, can grow the profile of the sport.
This is a brutally tough job, that’s not a slight on Basketball Ireland it’s to ward off anyone thinking they can just slot in and glide through. The stakeholders expect whoever has the role you are going for to essentially let the sport dominate their life for large swathes of the year. If you want to work in basketball and have ambitions of going far in it, that should be something you seek out not eschew.
Of course the other big upside is, you get to deal with me a lot. I’m great. On a more serious note, it doesn’t hurt to have one of Europe’s most read basketball sites located on your doorstep, it tends to lead to disproportional coverage and that’s fine with this corner.
So if you want to work in a challenging environment where you can make a real difference, all while fancy you ability to fill some big shoes, you should click here.
Seeing as this is inevitably going to be asked: No I’m not going for it, I have a job where I get to play with gadgets, travel like mad, and drink beer. I get paid to drink beer. All of this is before we talk about what I get to do with BiE. I’m grand.
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